
Showing posts from January, 2024

A Letter from Abejunio and You're Welcome

  Hello, fellow Wizlards.   It is I, the crooner of Faer’uner.   The singer with the thinger.   We’re still workshopping. I was sitting down last night to another meal with Maura on the Chaser – some rabbit stew – and could not stop the laughing.   Remember when Ellie and Lleyash squared off against a room full of delightful but rabid zombie critters?   Perhaps right after finding my long lost daughter, this was a high point.   And I wasn’t even there.   Just like I wasn’t there for Maura, but that’s another story (that I’ll be publishing in Baldur’s Gate Press “Deadbeat or Funky Beat: the Price of Stardom”). We’d arrived at Firewatch Isle after a few days sail from Lleyash’s ancestral home.   I made a point to dive back down to take the skull of his father as well as Oceanus’ mom, because it looked cool and we needed answers.   Letting the boys say goodbye to their parents was nice.   I guess.   They told us little besides...

OBX 2024

  The 2024 OBX sojourn was marked by an epic showdown against a legendary foe.  It was also marked by the mighty Wizlards battling the evil forces of COVID using an impressive arsenal of pluck and hand sanitizer. As it turns out, COVID is a CR23 BBEG who is resistant to both pluck and sanitizer.  At the time of this post, 3 out of 5 Wizlards now recommend COVID to their patients who chew gum. Still, we came and saw and surprisingly conquered.  While all of our sports teams were disappointments, this session will long be remembered as a fittingly heroic climax to an amazing adventure almost three years in the making.  We fought horny blue dragons and gargantuan kraken.  Some of us ate salad on only three of us died in the final battle.  These two are probably unrelated. Abejunio El Guapo, Faer'uns mightiest and hairest of bards, was sadly ineffective in the showdown with the evil forces of Jom Bovi.  He spent much of The fight on the deck of the Kr...

Archmage Halstead: The Final Countdown

       The Wizlards after escaping Seaton with the staff of Talos and having secured the eye in the Sahuagin fortress.  The fortress is now safely back in the hands of the lizard folk and their Quenn OthoKent.  The party sailed for the ancient home of Leyash that they had gotten a rough bearing on from Niven in the sea elf colony.  They heard rumors that all of the Indomitable, Jon Bovi, and the gnasher were out patrolling the Sea of swords looking for them.  After some searching Aquarius was found.  The party left the ship above and dove using the water breathing spell for the sea floor hundreds of feet deep.  As they dove, they saw the remanents of a human village on top of a cliff buried in the sea.  Upon closer inspection they found that this must have been where Leyash’s father had his illicit tryst with his mother Abdara before Aquarius fell and the humans left the settlement or were killed in the attack.  There seemed to...