OBX 2024


The 2024 OBX sojourn was marked by an epic showdown against a legendary foe.  It was also marked by the mighty Wizlards battling the evil forces of COVID using an impressive arsenal of pluck and hand sanitizer.

As it turns out, COVID is a CR23 BBEG who is resistant to both pluck and sanitizer.  At the time of this post, 3 out of 5 Wizlards now recommend COVID to their patients who chew gum.

Still, we came and saw and surprisingly conquered.  While all of our sports teams were disappointments, this session will long be remembered as a fittingly heroic climax to an amazing adventure almost three years in the making.  We fought horny blue dragons and gargantuan kraken.  Some of us ate salad on only three of us died in the final battle.  These two are probably unrelated.

Abejunio El Guapo, Faer'uns mightiest and hairest of bards, was sadly ineffective in the showdown with the evil forces of Jom Bovi.  He spent much of

The fight on the deck of the Kraken Chaser, immobilized by Bovi's hypnotic tunes and composing his own long overdue tribute to another legendary hero, the Ben sandwhich from Waveriders.  "Delicious sauce, you burn my heart with your mystery.  And you gave me the clap...."

The final battle was an amazing exercise in battle planning, logistics, strategy, and raw nerves.  We had one of those in spades, so ignored the rest and set about doing what we do best.  Which is usually oreos and Mike's Lemonade but this time it was animated objects and sneak attacks and springy paladins and cutting words to make the baddies miss.  We all got to shine.  Which means Archmage Halstead was the real hero. 



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