The definition of drowning - (Abe)


The Other End of the Telescope

I can see las oejas al lobo.  A certain, for the wolf is looking at me.

Two days ago I was cut down from Ned short sword at the Whitecrag camp.  My new friends left me dead a while to think about it, and I'm certain I don't like it.

Today I died twice more, as a fireball did not respect my hiding place and when I so bravely rushed out to raise the fallen Lleyash from the ground.

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.  Andando con pies de plomo.  For all my swagger, I am failing.  We are foundering and sinking and unlike the others I am over my head.  Not waving but drowning. Frightening, no?

But I am a shantyman.  Still, I am of service.  This crew I was certain would fray and fail is now rallying around Lleyash in his best attempts with Hannah.  melón.  His best line tonight after an attack at the door?  "Does the danger excite you?"

Adamas did his best to help with a wet kitten.  I played a new song of inspiration and fed him one of the more potent potables: "You must be a gelatinous cube as I feel this night ends with me inside you...."  I am still unsure how she resisted.  It has never failed me, but then I am El Guapo.

Even in my failures, I have inspired these few in battle.  Exorting Lleyash to serve up a steaming load of justice and a taste of his danger cakes.  Promising Ellie that I prefer to see her succeed than loot her body, but I will do so very gently.   Perhaps even a little motif of courage has helped.  

I will pull myself to the service and learn to swim.  I will practice Anders' handwriting for some forging fun in the future.  I will go seek out that Black Blade elf to see what I might learn and dust off some more proven romantibits in the process

*I must be a warlock.  Just give me a short rest and I'm ready for the next encounter.

Perhaps these, like me,  lose something in translation. 

Tomorrow we seek the Sea Ghost.  Tonight will be for love!  Or at least lullabies.   As I often said to cheers in my peformance as the shanto-speaking warrior McLean in "Die with Difficulty" - Yipyo Kaye Muthafucka.


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