Work at the Snapping Line
She was working as a waitress in this cocktail bar. When I met her. Perhaps this is another song, no?
Hanna Rist recognizes talent when she sees it. Or perhaps clean clothes.
Jom takes up on a stool by the door. He is a smarter and bigger than I am but I pretend I don't know this. I teach him the little magic I have.
He is trying to teach a pale elf cleric how to not get caught sneaking. I can teach her to pick locks. In return, she is trying to teach him how to make friends. They are both very bad at this.
My fame in this town has grown somewhat. I penned a drinking song for the thugs at the Empty Nest that has made its way around the coast, and now Gellen wants me at a party tomorrow.
Who knew Waterdeep gossip could be such a boon?
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